Joseph Pattinson (1870-1927), chemist of King Street, Aspatria, photographed daily life both above and below ground at the Brayton Domain Colliery. Some of these images were produced as a series of postcards.
I’d be delighted if anyone could provide me with any pictures or postcards which are missing from here. Pictures of Harriston village and No. 3 Pit are especially welcome. I’m willing to buy the original, or would accept a good quality scan. Contact me if you can help
No 1 – General View of the Colliery. Showing the two shafts, Screens building on extreme left and Coal Washery to deal with 70 tons an hour in the foreground. No. 5 PitMain Winding Shaft Bottom. 350 yards deep. Sinkers completing Sump.
No. 5 Pit
The miners whose names are known are, from second left: ‘Bonny Dick’, Bill Blaylock, Jack Wilson and Tom DavidsonNo. 3 – “Lying In” – Coal Hewers undercutting the Coal 300 yards below ground, preparatory to blasting it down with explosives. No. 4 PitTwo typical Hewers holing and drilling 350 yards below ground.
No. 5 PitCoal blasted down and ready for filling 350 yards below ground. Note the Shot Firer with battery and cable.
No. 5 PitNo. 6 – A Contented Lot. Typical Cumberland Putters with their ponies after the day’s work No. 4 PitNo. 7 – A Territorial Coal Hewer – For Home and Family For King and Country No. 5 PitNo. 8 – Back to the Land – Up to the surface after the day’s work from 200 yards down. No. 4 PitNo. 9 – An electrically driven 3-throw pump delivering water to the surface from 1100 feet down in direct lift. No. 5 PitCoal coming to the shaft from two miles in-bye by “endless haulage.” This rope, operated from the surface, is 6000 yards long and weighs 14 tons.
No. 4 PitNo. 12 – Pit-brow lasses picking inferior coal and dirt from the coal as it travels into wagons ready for the market. No. 4 PitNo. 13 – General View of Colliery. Showing Shafts, Screens, etc., with the Coke Ovens to the right of the picture. No. 4 PitNo. 14 – Home Sweet Home. Ponies feeding after the day’s work. Note the cats. No. 4 PitNo. 15 – A Clean Start. Commencing to undercut the coal 350 yards down. The first part of the day’s work. No. 5 PitNo. 16 – Building a brick stopping across a roadway to force the air to the innermost parts of the pit. No. 5 PitNo. 17 – A “SISKOL” Coal Cutter driven by compressed air, undercutting the coal 200 yards below ground. No. 4 PitNo. 18 – An Electrically driven Haulage Engine situated 2000 yards from the shaft and 200 yards below the surface. No. 4 PitNo. 19 – Endless Rope Haulage. Set of Tubs containing 10 tons of coal nearing shaft, 200 yards below ground. No. 4 Pit The ‘clutcher’ operating the engine was Billy Brough of AspatriaNo. 20 – ‘Endless Haulage’ Clipping on a set nearly 2 miles from shaft. No. 4 PitNo. 21 – Pony Haulage. Pony Driver with full tubs. No. 4 PitNo. 22 – What Every Pony Likes. Pony having his wash after the day’s work No. 4 PitNo. 23 – Off Up. Colliers being wound to daylight from 350 yards below ground after the day’s work. No. 5 PitNo. 24 – Lying In. Coal Hewers undercutting the Coal 200 yards below ground preparatory to blasting it down with explosives. No. 4 PitNo. 25 – ‘A “Non-com” Territorial Coal Hewer’ No. 4 Pit
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